Open Mind Recordings is a boutique record label, dedicated to producing what we hope will be thought of as some of the finest electronic music records.

We're vinyl heads and proud of it - vinyl sounds better, looks better, and is way more fun to play than digital. And being old school, we're also still in love with the whole form of the record as a package.

We like to think the care and thought that goes into each release is obvious to see and hear and trust that they will bring much audio-visual pleasure to all who find them.

Having said all that, we do realise not everybody has a pair of SL-1210's in their bedroom any more.
So we're pleased to be bringing our wares to a wider audience via the wonders of the Interweb and selected digital downloads in high-resolution formats.

Thanks for listening!


Ever Vivid - "Sketches of My Life" V/A - "Lifeworks Vol.1"


re:create - "sensor e.p." Refresh your mind! The Four Yorkshiremen - "Our Synths Evil?"